Water Testing Display

Why do Day Cares and Child Care Centers in CT need Water Testing?

Water Testing for Day Care Child Care facilities and schoolsDay Care & Child Care Centers in CT are usually required to test their water because lead exposure poses a great risk to our children, especially those younger than 6 years of age. A child’s growing body absorbs more lead compared to an adult, and their brain and nervous system is more sensitive to the damaging effects of lead when they ingest it.

  • Behavioral and learning problems
  • lower IQ
  • hearing problems
  • slowed growth

Just a few of the risks our Connecticut children face when exposed to even just small amounts of lead. The damaging effects of lead cannot be undone after a child has been exposed.

Although we may have our CT homes and drinking water tested for lead, most of our children spend the majority of their day at schools, and/or day care centers while we are at work.  Schools and day care facilities that have their own drinking water supply are usually required to test the water for lead.  If the water at the day care or school is provided by a private well other testing is usually required by the state of Connecticut and local municipalities as well.

Lead primarily enters tap water through the corrosion of plumbing materials and fixtures, and therefore, lead levels may vary from tap to tap within a building. Because you cannot see, taste, or smell the presence of lead, testing is the only way to determine if elevated levels are present. The EPA has begun a voluntary testing program for lead targeting all schools and child care centers.

Lead in water in Connecticut day care, child care and school facilities should be of special concern especially if they are preparing food or baby formula.  As a municipality, I encourage you to share this

If you are a school or day care with your own drinking water source, please consider voluntarily testing for lead if it is not required.  We can all work together to help provide our CT children with quality drinking water.

Lead levels in city water, especially in older buildings often exceeds federal safety limits.   Lead, a poison that causes brain and nerve damage, leaches into drinking water from lead piping, according to experts. New pipes, which have not yet been coated with minerals from the water, pose the greatest threat, but old pipes also can be hazardous.  If you suspect a problem have a lead test performed.


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